Please enjoy this video about one of the ways we care for creation here at The Refuge. This video is of a Mussel Survey done in rush creek to check on the health of the creek.


Another way we care about creation at The Refuge Church is by completing a macro invertebrate study each spring. Take a moment to watch this video and learn more about what that is.

What is the Stream Team @ The Refuge Church?!

From the simple beginnings of seeing a need for keeping our little spot on Rush Creek cleaner, to venturing into independent annual stream invertebrate surveys and sending in those findings to the DEQ, to now having the funds and resources (thanks to grants and training from MiCorp) to survey multiple sites on Rush Creek twice a year and share those results with a broader group of interested parties, the Refuge Church Stream Team is thankful for the opportunity to be involved in caring for the Rush Creek Watershed. 

And we are thankful for one thing that sets us apart from many of the other groups doing volunteer monitoring, and that is our commitment to participate not only on a practical justice issue of contributing to a healthier environment, but also to do so with a biblical mandate, knowing that care for all of creation is something God calls us to.  It is not always easy for a church to jump into this kind of grant program, as there are obstacles to overcome on various sides, so we feel very blessed.

And we are really enjoying the opportunity!  We love seeing people who join us come to better understand the beauty of all creation, even the tiny bugs, and to better appreciate the opportunity to somehow make a difference in this world, even by a simple act of collecting and counting these bugs.  This is our goal, both for people in our local churches and also in our surrounding community.  We invite people of all ages to join us, regardless of their ability or knowledge, just so that we are able the share with as many people as possible this beautiful adventure into the world God has created. 


To learn a little bit more about what we are about and read about the work we are doing check out our guest blog post on the Michigan Clean Water Corps website:


 Psalm 104:24-25

How many are your works, Lord!
    In wisdom you made them all;
    the earth is full of your creatures.
25 There is the sea, vast and spacious,
    teeming with creatures beyond number—
    living things both large and small.

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